Saturday, August 15, 2009

Week 6; Technorati

I did a search on "number theory" to see if I could find any ideas on teaching concepts like prime, odd, divisor, relatively prime, etc...
I searched the "blogosphere" and found a blog about a site designed to find primes; cool.
I couldn't find a 'keyword' search in the Blog Directory, and none of the titles had anything to do with the concept I chose, so I didn't find anything on number theory there. Same with Popular Tags, although I did find Julian Smith's 25 things I hate about Facebook, which was very funny, so not all was lost.
articles later...

1 comment:

  1. When you find a good link, use your link icon to make a live link to them. This will saving your readers from having to step away from your blog to google "Julian Smith 25 reasons I hate facebook". Which I did, and it was totally worth it!
    Blogs aren't always going to be the best source for our searches, but it is good to know it is there.
